Carraway Harvester cannula three port and six ports

$ 32.00

Adas Instruments offer the new Carraway Harvester Cannula with Three Port and Six Ports. It is the latest tool for fat harvesting and liposuction. We made it from lightweight aluminum with a fixed handle.

This harvesting cannula has a unique spiral three-port design. It allows for efficient and precise fat removal with minimal trauma. It’s perfect for small volume procedures under local anesthesia.

We also provide a wide range of harvesting cannula accessories that meet the highest quality standards. Additionally, we offer tools for gynecomastia and liposuction surgery. The Carraway Harvester Cannula and our other products ensure exceptional results in various surgical needs.

Available on backorder

six port cannula
Six Hole Carraway
Carraway Harvester cannula
3 hole Carraway
luer lock cannula aluminium
luer lock (+$ 0.00)
Luer lock cannula Steel
Luer Lock Steel (+$ 0.00)
Super luer lock cannula aluminium
Super luer lock (+$ 0.00)
Fix handle suction cannula
Super Fix handle For Tubing Suction (+$ 0.00)
tubing suction liposuction cannula
Super Fix handle For Tubing Suction (+$ 0.00)
Tommy cannula
Tommy Syringe Hub (+$ 0.00)
Inside Threaded Cannula
Threaded Fitting (+$ 0.00)
Product total
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