Common Instruments For Rhinoplasty


Common Instruments For Rhinoplasty

In this modern age since inventing a lot of medicines and cures for a human being, meanwhile, we have started reshaping the body via plastic surgery procedures, and Rhinoplasty is one of the most common surgeries we have done recently times. It’s also known as nose job, which is a surgical procedure that changes the shape of the nose. Here are some key points about Rhinoplasty before we discuss Common Instruments For Rhinoplasty.


  • Cosmetic Rhinoplasty: This type of rhinoplasty aims to alter the size, shape, or proportions of the nose for aesthetic reasons. It can address issues like a crooked nose, a hump on the bridge, or a wide or asymmetrical appearance.
  • Functional Rhinoplasty: In addition to cosmetic changes, functional rhinoplasty improves nasal function. Its corrects issues related to breathing, such as a deviated septum or nasal valve collapse.


  • Incisions: This surgery involves making incisions in important areas is inside the nostrils or across the columella.
  • Reshaping: To achieve the desired result surgeon reshapes the skin, cartilage, and bone.


Open Rhinoplasty

Closed Rhinoplasty

Functional Rhinoplasty

Revision Rhinoplasty

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

This entails an incision throughout the columella (the small strip of skin among the nostrils) permitting the healthcare professional full entry to the nasal systems. It’s commonly used for greater complex procedures.

All incisions are made in the nostrils, leaving no visible scars. It’s generally chosen for much less tremendous reshaping

Aimed at improving nasal breathing, this kind regularly includes straightening a deviated septum (septoplasty)

Also known as secondary rhinoplasty, that is carried out to accurate problems from a preceding surgery3

Non-surgical rhinoplasty, or liquid rhinoplasty, involves using injectable fillers such as hyaluronic acid to reshape the nose temporarily. It is a non-invasive alternative to traditional surgical rhinoplasty, suitable for minor corrections or enhancements



Rhinoplasty scissors

There are lot of scissors for Rhinoplasty but here we disscuss few of them that most used.

Iris Scissors: these are very common scissors almost used in every surgery and very useful in rhinoplasty too.

Steven Scissors these are also very famous scissors its sharp and blunt point help in delicate surgery like rhinoplasty and other surgries.

Gorney Turbinate scissors:and Heymann nasal scissors Turbinectomy: That is very usefull scissors to cut nose cartilage its tip made of TC.

Fomon dorsal Scissors: and Cottle Dorsal Scissors  The angle from center of this scissors Specifically designed exploring the dorsal curvature, refinement and shaping of the nasal dorsum (the bridge of the nose) 

Converse scissors: Converse scissors Traditionally have small, delicate, curved blades with sharp or blunt tips, allow surgeons perform intricate maneuvers such as trimming and shaping cartilage grafts.

rhinoplasty needle holder

Rhinoplasty Needle Holder:

Famous Needle Holders for Rhinoplasty are the following 

Mayo Hegar Needle Holder: The Mayo-Hegar needle holder is a very famous needle driver for holding the suturing needle.

Castroviejo needle holder.  It is a very valuable surgical instrument commonly used in delicate microsurgical procedures.

Neivert Needle Holder: It is Similar to other needle holders, but its angle ring helps give comfort to surgeons in rhinoplasty.

Vascular Needle Holder: A vascular needle holder is a specialized needle holder designed specifically for delicate vascular surgeries.

Crile Wood Needle Holder: it is another famous needle holder its fine pattern helps to perform delicate surgeries.

Rasps and saws

Nasal Rasps are a very important tool of rhinoplasty they commonly involve where scraping of bone or cartilage, these rasps handle are made with German stainless steel and tips are made of different materials as explained below

    • Stainless Steel tips are made with steel and mostly these are used for steel rasps for revers cut or forward cuts etc.
    • Tungsten Carbide tips are made with durable tungsten-carbide alloy its twice as stiff and dense as steel, mostly using a cross grit pattern fine to heavy.
    • Diamond Dust Coated tips are used for fine scraping on bone, it is a diamond dust-coated layer on a plain steel tip surface for this fine work.

some most famous rasps are as follows 

    1. Fomon Nasal Raspatory Double-Ended Tungsten Carbide
    2. Aufricht Glabellar Nasal Rasp Diamond Coated Curved
    3. Maltz Nasal Rasp 7.5mm Wide

Nasal Saws are also very important tools for Rhinoplasty, the main function of these nasal saws is cutting the nasal bone and cartilage. Joseph Bayonet Nasal Saw is the most used in rhinoplasty.


Fomon Nasal Raspatory Double-Ended Tungsten Carbide
Aufricht nasal rasp 21 cm
Joseph Bayonet Nasal Saw

Cartilage And Septum Instruments

Rubin Septum Straightening Forceps Tungsten Carbide

Gorney Septal Morselize Double Action, This morselizer tip is made of tungsten carbide construction for durability and is a handy tool for septal cartilage surgery.


Cartilage Cutting Block Teflon

Cartilage Cutting Board, these are made with teflon and very useful for cutting cartilage, in plastic surgery this board normal size is 4″ x 2.5″


Asch Septum Straightening Forceps Angled Blade, Its angle tip helps correct the nasal septum and is very effective in manipulating septal cartilage during nasal surgery.


Asch Septum Straightening Forceps

Jansen Middleton Septum Forceps Spoon Shape, it’s a very helpful tool to grasping septal cartilage 


Jansen-Middleton Septum Forceps Spoon Shape Cups


Cottle Cartilage Crusher

Cottle Cartilage Crusher, mainly this instrument sued to crush the nasal bone and cartilage


Jansen-Middleton Septum Through Cutting Forceps

Jansen-Middleton Septum Through Cutting Forceps, come with through-cutting jaws, which are used for the removal of the septum.



Hooks and Retractors

hooks and retractors also play a very important role in nose surgery they are available in different styles and shapes as per the surgeon’s need. A few of them are described below.


  • Cottle Retractor, comes with a Sharp prong opening 10mm or 12mm and is used to open the nose for a clear view of the septal 
  • Aufricht nasal Retractor, also a very handle tool for an open nasal Septal and is mostly used for Rhinoplasty surgery 
  • Kawamoto Double-ended Insulated Retractor. its different end provides different sizes of retractor blades and is also protected with blue insulation.
  • Desmarres Lid Retractor, also used for open nasal septal and also available in the standard tip in different sizes and options for insulated tip too
  • Gruber Columella Retractor With Weight, this retractor once apply its weight helps to hold it and the doctor both hands-free for work.


Hooks are also a very important part of Rhinoplasty surgery, there are several types of hooks used in rhinoplasty surgery including the

  • joseph skin hook which is available in different shapes like single hook and double hook, which sizes from 2mm to 12mm mostly used.
  • KLEINERT-KUTZ SKIN HOOK also used in nose surgery its unique shape helps to work with a specific area of the nose,
  • Guthrie Skin Hook 2 Prong This micro hook with 2mm wide and is used in a small area of the nose where the big hook does not work.
Cottle Retractor Sharp prong
Kawamoto Double ended Insulated Retractor
Guthrie Hook
Frazier Suction Tube
Gorney Septum Suction Elevator

Suction Tube

Suction tubes are used to suck blood and fluid during surgeries these suction tips are operate with a suction machine. In Rhinoplasty following is used most 

  1. Frazier Suction Tube: most common suction tip used in rhinoplasty available in different dia sizes
  2. Adson Suction Tube: Specifically made for nose surgery it has a slight angle on the tip
  3. Gorney Septum Suction Elevator: this suction tip is also used as an elevator in septum surgery, and works multi-task same time, suction and elevator for septum.



Bone mallet is also used in rhinoplasty surgery normally used with Osteotomes and Chisels. they are available in different weights and shapes, in nose surgery mostly lightweight mallets are used like 250 grams to 450 grams, and some mallets have plastic heads like the Hayden Mallet Nylon Head its one side steel head and other plastic head.

Hayden Mallet Nylon Head
Rhinoplasty instruments set

Rhinoplaslty Instruments Set 

Above we discuss some famous and regularly used instruments in rhinoplasty there are so many similar and other instruments that are not discussed here that are used in rhinoplasty it can confuse you, so Adas Instruments Made an advanced Rhinoplasty Instruments Set that covers 68 instruments and is used for all types of nose surgeries.

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