Hartmann Nasal Polypus Forceps

$ 23.00$ 28.00

Checkout this Hartmann Nasal Polypus Forceps, the handy tool. It is useful as Hartmann nasal polypus forceps, Heymann-Knight nasal polypus forceps, and various nasal polypus forceps ent models. It has a shaft length of 13cm and 19cm, making it just the right size for various nasal procedures. It comes with ring jaws in different sizes, ensuring a solid grip every time, making it ideal for addressing nasal polypus. The long perpendicular shaft makes it super easy for surgeons to access nasal sinuses without any hassle. Whether it’s for endoscopic nasal procedures or turbinectomy, this nasal punch, also known as a “Concho-tome,” is a go-to for exercising soft tissue polyps, including nasal polypus.