Mirrored Accelerator liposuction cannula

$ 32.00

Mirrored accelerator is a type of liposuction cannula available from Adas Surgical. As the top liposuction cannula manufacturers our cannulas are unique in liposuction surgery. Our Mirrored Accelerator Liposuction Cannula that has openings around the distal end to remove fat in a 360-degree radius.

They are good for fibrous tissue and large-volume extraction, and can help surgeons remove more fat faster. Our liposuction cannula price, including basket cannula liposuction variants, we offer very reasonable prices with best features.

1 in stock (can be backordered)

luer lock cannula aluminium
luer lock (+$ 0.00)
Luer lock cannula Steel
Luer Lock Steel (+$ 0.00)
Super luer lock cannula aluminium
Super luer lock (+$ 0.00)
Fix handle suction cannula
Super Fix handle For Tubing Suction (+$ 0.00)
tubing suction liposuction cannula
Super Fix handle For Tubing Suction (+$ 0.00)
Tommy cannula
Tommy Syringe Hub (+$ 0.00)
Inside Threaded Cannula
Threaded Fitting (+$ 0.00)
Product total
Options total
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