One Hole Liposuction Cannula

$ 32.00

A one-hole liposuction cannula is a special tool used in liposuction surgery. It has just one small opening near the end. Liposuction with a single hole near the tip made for doing very careful liposuction. Liposuction is a surgery where doctors use suction to take out fat from certain parts of the body like the belly, thighs, or arms.

Our One Hole Luer lock Liposuction Cannula is like a thin tube that doctors put through tiny cuts in the skin to reach the fat and remove it. It’s part of the process in a cosmetic surgery to get rid of extra fat from specific areas of the body.

Available on backorder

luer lock cannula aluminium
luer lock (+$ 0.00)
Luer lock cannula Steel
Luer Lock Steel (+$ 0.00)
Super luer lock cannula aluminium
Super luer lock (+$ 0.00)
Fix handle suction cannula
Super Fix handle For Tubing Suction (+$ 0.00)
tubing suction liposuction cannula
Super Fix handle For Tubing Suction (+$ 0.00)
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Tommy Syringe Hub (+$ 0.00)
Inside Threaded Cannula
Threaded Fitting (+$ 0.00)
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