Sorensen Harvester Liposuction cannula

$ 32.00

Sorensen Harvester Liposuction Cannula with Super and Fixed Handles. These high-quality instruments are ideal for various liposuction procedures, including the Sorensen Harvester Cannula With Fixed Handle, SorenSen Fat Harvesting Luer Lock Cannula, Sorenson Harvester Cannula for Liposuction, and Sorensen Multi Holes Harvester Beveled Port Liposuction.

Available on backorder

luer lock cannula aluminium
luer lock (+$ 0.00)
Super luer lock cannula aluminium
Super luer lock (+$ 0.00)
Fix handle suction cannula
Super Fix handle For Tubing Suction (+$ 0.00)
tubing suction liposuction cannula
Super Fix handle For Tubing Suction (+$ 0.00)
Tommy cannula
Tommy Syringe Hub (+$ 0.00)
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