Takahashi Nasal Cutting Forceps

$ 32.00

The Takahashi Nasal Cutting Forceps, also known as Takahashi nasal forceps, are indispensable surgical instruments. We manufacture forcep takahashi nasal for nasal surgeries. With a 12.5cm working shaft, these forceps offer optimal reach and maneuverability during surgeries. Their oval, cupped jaws with blunt, rounded tips ensure gentle tissue handling, minimizing trauma. Takahashi nasal forceps excel in ethmoid surgeries, targeting tissues like nasal polyps and tumors to alleviate pressure and infection.

How is takahashi nasal forceps used? To use forcep takahashi nasal , the surgeon carefully positions the instrument within the nasal cavity, grasping the targeted tissue with the jaws, and gently applying pressure to facilitate removal.