Two lateral one central hole Liposuction Cannula

$ 32.00

Adas Two lateral one central hole Liposuction Cannula is great for removing fat from different layers, especially in smaller procedures done with local anesthesia. Our Liposuction Cannula One central hole is made to be gentle on patients while effectively contouring the body. With its unique hole orientation allowing 260 degrees of suction, and lengths ranging from 15 cm to 35 cm, it reaches deep areas easily.

Available on backorder

luer lock cannula aluminium
luer lock (+$ 0.00)
Luer lock cannula Steel
Luer Lock Steel (+$ 0.00)
Super luer lock cannula aluminium
Super luer lock (+$ 0.00)
Fix handle suction cannula
Super Fix handle For Tubing Suction (+$ 0.00)
tubing suction liposuction cannula
Super Fix handle For Tubing Suction (+$ 0.00)
Tommy cannula
Tommy Syringe Hub (+$ 0.00)
Inside Threaded Cannula
Threaded Fitting (+$ 0.00)
Product total
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